Program Content

Makefile. include make file for all platforms (prints help)
Makefile.AIX include make file for compilation on AIX platform parallel
Makefile.AIX.PARALEL include make file for compilation on AIX platform parallel version
Makefile.HP include make file for compilation on HP platform
Makefile.PC include make file for compilation on Linux PC
makefile main make file
Common.h header file with definition of common classes
assert.h header file for error treatment
average.h header file containg interpolation and averaging routines
complex.h header file where complex numbers operations are defined
function.h header file where class for one- and two-dimetional functions is defined
mesh.h header file where mesh manipulation functions are defined
parser.h header file containing routines for input preparation
timer.h header file containig time routines
util.h header file with some auxiliary routines
zeroin.h contains root finder generation of all possible diagram permutations main C++ program
PC a directory which contains a running example on Linux PC. The command line example contains file history.nca in subdirectory work.


 Program source

You can download  the codes from the download section.
To gunzip or untar use the following commands :
gunzip  nca.tgz
tar -xvf mipt.tar

Last update @ August 10, 2004