Calculation of DOS and Green’s function*


The definitions of the one-electron Green’s function for interacting system is






Here “L” denotes left eigenvector  to distinguish it from the right “R” eigenvector,  

 is the chemical potential, are the eigenvalues,  is the self-energy,  is the Hamiltonian

and  is the overlap matrix which takes into account the non-orthogonality of the basis set


and is defined as follows



The orthonormality condition is


or in the matrix form



Now one can easy see by inspection that the Hamiltonian can be written in the form:


where  is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.  Using the above expression for the Hamiltonian one can easily prove the above equation for the Green’s function:


In direct space, formula for the Green’s function is




where the wave functions are


which also satisfy to the following equations


The Equation for the GF in direct space is just the Fouriesr transformation of   taking into account the basis set equation:


Density can be found from the Green’s function directly


Integration over the space gives  the interacting density matrix which should be defined with the overlap matrix


in order to preserve the sum rule related to the total number of electrons



Note, that as soon as we assume that our basis set is orthonormal, we restore ordinary definitions for all the relevant quantities discussed above.


The total density of states (TOS)  is defined as



Unfortunately, the definition


has a problem since it does not have proper symmetry transformation. By this we mean that


where  are Wigner matrices andis any group operation. Assuming by  the rotation of the entire Brillouin zone


we see that we cannot prove this equality. We can easily prove this for objects like

A possible way to resolve it can be found if the overlap matrix can be represented as



where   is the structure constants and  are the overlap matices of Hankel and Bessel functions .

This representation is true in the Atomic Sphere Approximation (ASA) only. If such factorization possible, we can define the non-interacting density of states as




where by  we denoted convolutions


It is clear that each term obeys the required transformation property, and so does the resulting

Next we consider the basis orthonormalization procedure. One can show that the overlap matrix can be presented in the form



where we made the following definitions


Here h and j are matrices which  are calculated by minimization such that Eq. (1.4) is best satisfied.

Let us denote transformation  which we use to bring the system to the orthonormal basis



In the almost orthonormal basis the Green’s function reads as






Having GF g we can compute the density of states as



Using GF and the self-energy we can also compute the Weis GF using the following relation:

 . (1.9)

The impurity levels can be obtained from the frequency expansion of the impurity and local GFs:

,  (1.10)

where matrix contains is the Hartree-Fock values of the self-energy,   is  the double counting term. As we see to compute the impurity levels we need to know the following averages (which are matrixes): .
If we are interested only in diagonal elements of the impurity matrix then the expression (1.10) is simplified to

,  (1.11)

 where values of  are provided by the k-sum driver/program.


* Most of the equations in the text related to LMTO ASA method can be found in

O. K. Andersen, Linear methods in band theory,  Phys. Rev. B 12, 3060 (1975).



Last updated @ Sept 6 2004